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D-Wing Cruiser - Starbase Fleet

D-Wing Cruiser - Starbase Fleet
D-Wing Cruiser - Starbase Fleet
1 Review

D-Wing - Starbase Fleet
23 prims.

At last! The iconic D-wing Exosphere class cruiser is finally available for you to own. With its sleek, distinctive curves, this craft is just at home when cruising through the turbulent skies of an alien atmosphere as it is when approaching your starbase landing pad in deep space.

Features include:
- Very easy to fly (just use arrow keys)
- Pilot and passenger seats
- Four different paint designs
- Retractable landing gear
- Canopy rotates open/close
- Working lights
- Thrusters power glow
- Particle effects

The D-wing cruiser can carry the pilot and a passenger around in comfort. It has a high-tech bank of controls across the dashboard. The glass canopy swivels open and the landing gear can be retracted. Touch the forward lights to turn them on/off. When you're engines are activated, you'll see the rear propulsion thrusters glow green. And they leave energy particle trails as you are flying - a very cool effect.

How to fly:
Couldn't be simpler. Open the canopy and and sit in the pilot seat. Passengers can sit in the rear seat. The camera view will automatically position itself behind and track you, so you can see where you're flying! You can even use MouseView if you want. Touch the canopy to close it. Then type "start" and you'll see the rear propulsion thrusters start to glow.

Now you're hovering gently, and you can use the keys on your keyboard to fly. Use the PageUp or PageDown keys (PgUp, PgDn) to ascend or descend. Press and hold down the arrow keys to move the craft forwards, backwards, turn left or turn right. You can use Shift Left-Arrow or Shift Right-Arrow to move sideways, too! You'll be flying like a seasoned pilot in no time. When you have finished your flight, bring your craft in to land, then type "stop" to disengage the engines and you'll see the glow on the thrusters turn off. Open the canopy and get out. Congratulations, you just completed your first flight in the D-Wing!

Extra features.
You can raise or lower the landing gear by typing "gear up" or "gear down" while in the pilots seat. You can even raise and lower them individually by touching them. The forward lights can be turned on or off by touching either of the front lights,

There are four different versions of the D-wing included in this product. There are:
Urban - for patrolling the urban streets of a rebellious colony.
Camo - for when you have to send a craft down to the desert surface of a planet.
Covert Ops - built for your secret mission RPs. It even has ultra-violet night vision lights!
Hazard - for general use and VIP passenger shuttle services.

Remember, all these craft are included and they are all copy and mod.

Auto Landing.
If you stop flying, the craft will come to a halt and will gently hover in place. But after a few moments it will begin to slowly drift downwards until it comes to rest on a surface. You can use this feature to auto park on a handy landing pad.

If you get out of the pilot seat during flight, the craft will perform an emergency stop and wait for you get back in. This means you can park it in orbit if you wish and it won't go anywhere.

It's all copy and mod, so you edit the vehicle, including changing the textures. You can manually adjust and edit the position of the seat and the steering control to best fit your avi's shape. You need to know what you're doing to do this, though. Ensure vehicle's rotation coords are all set to zero before you move the controls and the support and you can't be sat in it while you're working on it. Don't modify or move the vehicle's root prim. And always work on a copy, not the original vehicle.

These craft are all scaled perfectly for use with the Exosphere Modules such as the Landing Terminal and the Landing Bay.

  • Very easy to fly (just use arrow keys)
  • Pilot and passenger seats
  • Four different paint designs
  • Canopy rotates open. Retractable landing gear,
  • Working lights. Thrusters power glow. Particle effects
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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Excellent work yet again
full star full star full star full star full star Posted November 13, 2014 by BrianL61 Landar

this ship is great and flies easy and nice,
don't miss out get a great ship at a great price.

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L$ 499

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Sold by: Eco Chronowire

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Land Impact: 24