There are 4 types of Right Water presets for North and South to fix the vertical water in SL. You can apply these settings to yourself or set it at your land! I have also included a bonus Better Day setting to go along with these water presets.
See this EEP setting in action - Watch the Video: https://www.flickr.com/photos/gogolita/50689466467/in/datetaken/
How do I use this EEP?
Right click on the EEP Object in your inventory, and click > Apply Only to Myself
You can also edit the EEP further by going to the World tab > Environment > Personal Lighting
How do i reset everything to default?
Go to World -> Environment -> select Use Shared Environment
For more information about Environmental Enhancement Project, visit:
You can read my blog post about EEP here: https://juicybomb.com/2020/12/08/juicybomb-right-water-eep-settings/
<3 Juicy
View Video »Amazing!
Perfect! I would love to see this in PBR ♥
The Best!
This is the best setting that i have ever seen, my skin, sky, sea, beach all looks amazing and its very cheap thank you for making this available to everyone
The most realistic water EEP
I don't remember a day without using this EEP ever since I picked it up. It looks incredible in-world, very realistic, very calm. It's perfect for beaches or for lakes, anywhere you live with water. Thank you for this one <3
O M G game changer! ♥
A must have for your water and parcel to finally have a lovely correct view thank you so much! love it! ♥
A quick and inexpensive solution that adds more beauty to my beach. Also perfect to use when I'm sailing.
Thank you!
This is the best water i have found so far. It made my sailing voyages way more enjoyable and immersive.