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BC Duke Floatplane w/ Automatic Flaps, Automatic Takeoff and Wind System Version 3.51

BC Duke Floatplane w/ Automatic Flaps, Automatic Takeoff and Wind System

Digital Dash, Instrument Dials, Switches and Monitor Screen.

Altitude HUD. The plane will either automatically rotate and climb or descend and level to the altitude you choose.

Automatic Landing system with a customizable notecard integrated into the HUD. You can either land at the 30+ airports listed in the HUD or add your own.
Once you choose your destination the plane will automatically descend to that airport. The system controls rate of descent and speed, you simply need to steer the plane left or right.

4 Automatic Take Off modes - Left / Straight long field & short field/ Right

Built-in automated wind system.

Selectable wind direction HUD.

Independent rudder control for correcting yaw.

2 Flight modes - Normal mode & Cruise mode

2 Flap modes, normal and fast sink rate.

Articulated flaps and nose gear.

To operate the wind system type "ww" (without parenthesis) in chat and then toggle the wind direction by typing "w" repeatedly until you find the wind direction you want. The wind direction is also shown in chat.

The plane will now fly as though there's a wind force on it. The wind system is active and changes force depending on the plane's orientation to the selected wind direction. If the wind is coming directly at the front of or the back of the plane there will be a change in speed. If the wind is coming towards the plane at a 45 degree angle there will be a moderate change in speed as well as a cross-wind/sideslipping effect. And if the wind is coming directly at the side of the plane there will be a maximum amount of cross-wind/sideslipping effect.

The force of the wind is also affected by the airplane's speed.

Chat Commands:

s - Start & Stop

e or Pg. Up - Acceleration
c or Pg. Dn - De-acceleration

f - Flaps

ff - Flaps for faster descent

a - Auto level

dd - Door

c - Second camera view

cc - Third camera view

fs - Phantom mode - allows you to fly through anything... Just don't fly through SL terrain!

copilot - Typing "copilot" in chat will allow the copilot to control the plane.

pilot - Typing "pilot" in chat will allow the pilot to resume control of the plane.

ww - Wind - starts wind function

w - Toggles wind direction

sl - Strobe lights

bl - Beacon lights

nl - Nav lights

ll - Landing lights

plon - Cockpit lights on

ploff - Cockpit lights off

don - touchdown dust on

doff - touchdown dust off

**This plane has a Texture Changer HUD**
Type Menu in chat and choose from 4 different exterior colors.

The plane is modifiable and the texture maps are included for the fuselage, wings, tail, rudder and floats

See item in Second Life
  • Airplane has a built-in automated wind system.
  • Selectable wind direction HUD.
  • Automatic Flaps for automatic descent to any airport or location in SL.
  • Automatic Take Off - 4 Modes Left / Straight long field and short field / Right.
  • Articulated flaps and nose gear.
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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  • 3 star:
  • 2 star:
  • 1 star:
Cruising is the best
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted December 07, 2017 by MiyukiKiritan

Sorry, because you are using a translator, it may be strange English.

The way of making is rough, especially the interior is too simple.
The influence is also a big one when crossing SIM.
When turning, it turns very slowly, so when you turn while playing a key, it starts to rotate.
But it is wonderful not to fall over SIM.
I have not fallen by SIM Crossing yet.

However, the unique maneuvering sensation is attractive.
If you master the sense of steering when crossing SIM, I think that it is the best airplane for long-distance navigation.
Navigation is very easy, especially automatic altitude adjustment is wonderful! .
Landing is also very easy if you master the driving feeling.
For this reason it is now my regular airplane.

The pillars connecting Float and the aircraft are asymmetric. If you paste UV-Texture on the aircraft, you can see how different it is.
There are quite a big madness.
As you see from the front the aircraft looks bent.
This will be corrected by 【Correction of link part】, but the author wishes to re-deliver it by modifying it

Distortion of the horizontal stabilizer at the rear is large, Texture can not be pasted


● Easy to control, it does not fall on SIM crossing. Long Cruising is best to the best!

● SIM crosses at right angles, absolutely not turning at that time!

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A Good Person to Buy a Plane From
full star full star full star full star full star Posted May 16, 2017 by DaenerysStormbornTheUnburnt

Easy sim crossings I think are impossible in Second Life, where I think the important thing is not ending up crashing into someone's house and getting kicked by a security orb after losing all control of your plane. As for the "good person" thing, I mean he goes to the trouble to maintain a store at the airport where you can test it out in the real conditions you would be using it in. Anyway, I crashed a few times regardless of the goodness of the plane, learning how it works. Well it needs to fly a little fast to stay up maybe just because it is a big plane and has two engines, so I was ending up not reacting quickly enough, but when I got a little experience then it was working fine and hopefully I will not be terrorizing my neighbors crashing into their houses.

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Omg what fun!!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted April 21, 2017 by Sari6t

Ok, I know nothing about flying planes and when I got this and saw all the huds and buttons I was concerned. Where is the menu popup thingy? Where is the make it go button like all the other ones?

Well it was a treat to find that it is waaaayyyyyy more fun having these huds than a menu with GO on it. Flies brilliantly, well I think so and crosses sims like a dream. Love it.

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After days of research i found this gem!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted February 01, 2017 by akiva32

I spent a few days comparing different planes from different creators before i decided to buy this one. And im really happy i did get this! I still havent learned all the features, but i can already tell that this is awesome! It looks great, the LOD is very good, it doesnt deform from any distance, it has a lot of features that i didnt expect at first, everything works great, and you can see a lot of effort was put in making this plane. A bonus is that its fun to be able to land in the water, as well as on a runway. Clickable buttons, fully working dashboard, the design of the plane is really gorgeous. I would have paid more for it if the price was higher!


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First Class Aircraft
full star full star full star full star full star Posted June 27, 2016 by Nikki Flirt

This was the first aircraft I purchased from Java Designs, and I'm really glad I bought it. Everything about this aircraft is fantastic. The mouselook controls save the need for any laggy HUDs, or chat commands, although you can still use chat commands if you prefer. The sim crossings are very stable with this plane, unlike many others out there, and the included sim crossing HUD makes it easy to see when not to press anything, and when it's safe to input control again. Flight characteristics are great, with nice smooth banking, climb and descent. Camera angle is perfect too (again, unlike many other aircraft in SL), and the vehicle is very easy to fly and land.
The only slight issue is the automatic altitude buttons in mouselook. None of them seem to match what they are meant to, so I'm assuming there is a link number issue with them, but I never use them, or the auto takeoff/landing system, so this doesn't matter to me.

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 30, 2016 by JakeSpeed Northman

Here's the story. I was flying to Hollywood with a couple of friends onboard and the plane we were in had a problem. I ran into Java, and he suggested I try a demo of his. It's not time-limited so we would be able to fly it back to our home airfield. Oh my goodness! The woops! The sounds were incredible, one friend couldn't believe how luxurious the cabin was, the flight back was supersmooth, lots of new and good features to play with ... the owner of the airline was so impressed she bought 3. You always wonder when you spend lindens and make a purchase and it's easy to be skeptical of even the best review but there's plenty of water in SL to land on and this is the plane to treat your passengers to a smooth and comfortable flight. Very nicely done Java, we love it and we will wait enthusiastically for the build you come up with next! Fantastic!

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